姓 名 : 郑春福
性 别 : 男
电子信箱: zheng.alan@hotmail.com
2021/2022 (Top 1%)及2023/2024 (Top 0.5%) Elsevier 全球顶尖科学家
国际微生物学顶级期刊mBio编辑 (中国本土编辑零的突破)
国际病毒学顶级期刊Journal of Virology编委(2015-2026)
加拿大University of Calgary客座教授(adjunct professor)(2011-至今);
郑春福教授,入选Elsevier 2021/2022 Top 1%以及2023 Top 0.5%全球顶尖科学家榜单,中国科学院百人计划入选者;江苏省 "双创计划" 人才;福建省引进高层次人才B类;江西省引进高层次 "千人计划" 人才;苏州市紧缺高层次人才。曾经担任国家自然科学基金 "重点项目" 二审专家;2016年入选江苏省 "双创团队" (核心成员,排名第二);2013/14苏州大学长江学者特聘教授候选人。加拿大University of Calgary Adjunct Professor,在I型单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)感染与宿主相互作用的分子机制研究、HSV-1逃逸宿主抗病毒天然免疫研究中取得突破性研究成果,在Lancet Microbe (´2; IF 38), Trends in Microbiology (´2; IF 18.2), Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (封面文章, IF 13.0), Journal of Virology (´28, 1篇封面文章,2篇亮点文章), FEMS Microbiology Reviews (IF 15.1), Blood (IF 25.4), Journal of Medical Virology (´15; IF 12.7), Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews (´2; IF 17.6), Reviews in Medical Virology (IF 11.0), mBio (IF 7.7), J Clin Microbiol. (IF 11.6), Journal of Biomedical Science (IF 12.7), Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (´2; IF 8.2), Journal of Immunology (2篇, IF 5.4)等主流期刊发表SCI 论文150余篇,总引用次数近6200余次, H-index为41。曾主持/参与 "973" 子课题(2项),主持7项国家自然科学基金面上项目。目前主持有国家自然科学基金面上项目等课题。作为多个杂志的编辑和编委,编辑和审稿文章超1100篇。
1. I型单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)感染与宿主的相互作用;HSV-1感染的天然免疫、免疫逃避及其致病的分子机制;新型抗HSV-1疫苗、药物及其诊断方法的探索;基于HSV-1溶瘤病毒的构建及其溶瘤分子机制的探讨。
2. 抗病毒天然免疫调控的分子机制。
v 医学博士:重庆医科大学,专业:传染病学,2001年;
v 医学硕士:福建医科大学,专业:病原生物学,1997年;
v 农学学士:中国农业大学,专业:动物医学,1991年。
v 2013.7-至今:加拿大University of Calgary adjunct professor;
v 2018.01-2023.6: 福建医科大学,教授
v 2013.5-2017.12: 苏州大学, 教授;
v 2007.8-2013.4:中国科学院武汉病毒研究所,研究员;
v 2005.7-2007.7: 加拿大University of Calgary 博士后;
v 2001.7-2005.6: 加拿大University of Saskatchewan 博士后;
v 1997.7-1998.8: 福建医科大学基础医学院助教;
v 1991.7-1994.8: 福建省计划生育研究所灵长类实验研究中心兽医。
1. mBio (IF:7.867; 中科院Q1区) editor (2021-24) (中国本土编辑零的突破)
2. Journal of Virology (IF 6.549) 编委 (2015-2026) (2015前没有中国本土编委)
3. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) (IF:8.234), 编委; Screnning editor (2023-至今)
4. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (IF:4.5, 中科院Q1区) (2022-至今)
5. Virology Journal (IF:5.913), associated editor (2011-2024)
6. Microbes and infection (IF:9.57), editor (2017-至今)
7. Journal of Clinical Virology Plus (IF:1.72), editor (2021-至今)
8. Journal of Medical Virology (IF:12.7); 编委 (2022-)
9. Journal of Innate Immunity (IF:7.111), Editorial Board, (2023-至今)
10. International Immunopharmacology (IF:5.72),编委 (2022-)
11. Cellular Signaling 编委(2023-至今)
12. Virology (IF:3.513);编委(2023-至今)
13. IJMM(IF:5.314); International Journal of Molecular Medicine; 编委(2022-至今)
14. Diagnostic Microbiology & Infectious Disease(IF:2.983), Editorial Board, (2022-至今)
15. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology (IF:2.585), Editorial Board, (2022-至今)
16. 国际疱疹病毒研讨会(IHW)(2012-2014)“科学顾问委员会委员”(Scientific Advisory Committee, SAC)(截至2012年,作为唯一来自中国本土的病毒学家的委员);
17. IHW2015科学顾问委员会委员(两位中国本土病毒学家委员之一)
18. 2021年应邀国际疱疹病毒研讨会(IHW2021)组委会邀请担任国际评审委员会(International Review Committee, IRC);
19. 中国微生物学会病毒学专业委员会委员(2011-2024);
20. 湖北省免疫学会副理事长(2011-2014);
1. 2023年mBio杰出编辑奖。
2. 2023年入选0.5% Elsevier“全球顶尖科学家”
3. 2021/2022年入选1% Elsevier“全球顶尖科学家”
4. 2022年Springer nature杰出编辑奖
5. 2021年入围国家自然科学基金医学部区域重点基金答辩
6. 2021年Frontiers杰出副编辑奖
7. 2021年应国际疱疹病毒研讨会(IHW2021)组委会邀请担任国际评审委员会委员(International Review Committee, IRC)
8. 2019,2020,2021,2022年荣获Journal of Virology Top25 reviewers
9. 2019年荣获Publons Top1% peer reviewers.
10. 国家自然科学基金重点项目入围医学部二审答辩(福建医科大学历史性突破),2018
11. 担任国家自然科学基金重点项目医学部二审专家,2016
12. 国家自然科学基金重点项目入围生命科学部二审答辩,2016;
13. 江苏省创新创业团队主要成员之一(排名第二)(2016);http://jsnews.jschina.com.cn/system/2016/11/25/030118465.shtml
14. 江苏省创新创业人才计划(双创计划)(2014);
15. 2013-14入选苏州大学 "长江学者" 特聘教授候选人。https://ssis.suda.edu.cn/bd/82/c7715a179586/page.htm
16. 美国免疫学家联合会AAI early career faculty travel grant (2013) (来自中国大陆的有4位);
17. 苏州市紧缺人才计划(2013);
18. 国家自然科学基金“杰出青年基金(2012)”候选人(入围医学部二审答辩);
19. 国家自然科学基金“杰出青年基金(2011)”候选人(入围医学部二审答辩);
20. 广州医科大学客座教授(2011-14);
21. 湖北省细胞生物学学会第一届“优秀青年学者奖”(共2名)(2011.11);
22. 湖北省科协优秀学术论文一等奖,2011.
23. 2011年度中国科学院王宽城教育基金国际会议资助(国际疱疹病毒研讨会,IHW36,2011-07-24-8);
24. 中国科学院“百人计划”入选者(2007);
25. Postdoctoral Fellowship: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Training Program in Immunology, Immunopathogenesis, and Inflammation, (2005 to 2007), (88,000$);
26. Postdoctoral Fellowship: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF): (2003-2005), (85,000$);
27. Three travel awards from the American Society of Virology (ASV) (400$ each for 2003, 2004, and 2005).
1. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2006 to present;
2. American Society of Virology (ASV;美国病毒学学会) 终身会员;
3. American Society of Microbiology (ASM), 2007 to present;
4. American Association of Immunologists (AAI;美国免疫学学会), 2006 to present;
5. 中国免疫学学会会员;
6. 中国细胞生物学学会会员;
7. 中国微生物学学会终身会员。
1. 一种携带荧光素酶报告基因的HSV-1 BAC系统的构建方法,专利号:201010514586.5
1. 华西医院肝脏移植(2024-10-11)。 SCI写作投稿与基金申请。邀请人:张霆教授
2. 成都医学院(2024-10-11)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1。邀请人:李顺教授。
3. 华西双流医院(2024-10-10)。 SCI写作投稿与基金申请。 邀请人:钟刚院长/教授
4. 四川大学华西医院(2024-10-10)。 SCI写作投稿与基金申请。邀请人:赵旭东教授
5. 四川省儿童医院/华西二院(2024-10-10)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1。邀请人:王慧卿教授。
6. 中国医科大学(2024-1-24)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:张延昭教授。 线上
7. 江南大学无锡儿童医院(2024-1-6)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:章乐主任。 线上
8. 中国科学院药物所(2024-1-3)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:夏冰清/高召兵教授
9. 中国农科院上海兽医所(2024-1-2)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李泽军教授
10. 杭州师范大学(2024-1-2)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:孙小明教授
11. 中国医科院肿瘤医院深圳分院(2023-12-28)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:林勇平教授
12. 中山大学深圳校区 (2023-12-2)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:陈耀庆教授
13. 南方科技大学 (2023-12-27)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:裴勇刚教授
14. 深圳大学/人民医院 (2023-12-27)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王晓/王绍祥教授
15. 广东省农科院 (2023-12-26)。NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. . 邀请人:翟少伦教授
16. 广东药科大学 (2023-12-26)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:刘松教授
17. 华南农业大学 (2023-12-25)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:沈永义教授
18. 广西医科大学 (2023-12-22)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:叶力教授
19. 广西大学动科院- (2023-12-22)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:黄鉴妮教授
20. 贵州医科大学药学院 (2023-12-21)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:潘迪教授
21. 贵州大学动物学院 (2023-12-21)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:庞峰教授
22. 遵义医科大学附一院 (2023-12-20)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:徐祖才教授
23. 贵州医科大学基础医学院(2023-12-20)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:禹文峰教授
24. 川北医学院成都中医药大学(2023-12-19)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1/SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:杨健院长/教授
25. 成都中医药大学(2023-12-18)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:曾南教授
26. 四川大学华西护理学院(2023-12-18)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李卡教授
27. 四川儿童医院(2023-12-15)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王慧卿/汪傲教授
28. 成都医学院(2023-12-15)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:贾旭院长教授
29. 四川大学华西二院(2023-12-14)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:袁刚教授
30. 西南医科大学(2023-12-14)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:傅俊江/李大兵教授
31. 陕西师范大学(2023-12-13)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:夏海滨/李星教授。
32. 西安交通大学基础医学院 (2023-12-12)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李海教授
33. 西北农林大学2023-12-11)。NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. 邀请人:赵钦教授
34. 西北民族大学(2023-12-11)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:冯若飞教授
35. 郑州大学附二院(2023-12-7)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:薛孟周教授。
36. 新乡医学院附一院(2023-12-7)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:李健研究员。
37. 河南南阳师范学院(2023-12-7)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李丹丹院长/冀君副教授。
38. 长江大学医学院(2023-12-6)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:汪献旺院长/教授。
39. 华中农业大学 (2023-12-5)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:钱平教授。
40. 江西农业大学 (2023-12-5)。NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1.邀请人:叶昱教授。
41. 江西宜春学院 (2023-12-4)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:邹一平教授。
42. 江西农业大学 (2023-12-4)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:叶昱教授。
43. 莆田学院(2023-12-1)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:周瑞祥校长/教授。
44. 福建师范大学(2023-11-30)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:陈淇教授。
45. 福建农科院(2023-11-30)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1/ SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:葛均青博士。
46. 浙江大学农学院(2023-11-29)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:胡伯里/乐敏教授。
47. 同济大学附属东方医院 (2023-11-28)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王国胜教授。
48. 浙江农科院牧医所(2023-11-28)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:张存教授。
49. 浙江大学医学院(2023-11-28)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:潘冬立教授。
50. 浙江大学传染病研究所(2023-11-27)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:杨益大教授。
51. 浙江医科院(2023-11-27)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:郑斌/储晓峰教授。
52. 杭州师范大学(2023-11-27)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:谭晓华教授。
53. 复旦大学儿童医院(2023-11-23)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:盛伟教授。
54. 上海CDC (2023-11-23)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:周晓辉教授。
55. 苏州西交利物浦大学(2023-11-22)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王宜强教授。
56. 苏州大学医学院 (2023-11-21)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:安艳教授。
57. 中国医科院苏州系统所(2023-11-21)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:马烽教授。
58. 南京大学附属苏州医院(2023-11-20)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:吴建教授。
59. 苏州大学(2023-11-20)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:贡成亮/胡小龙教授。
60. 南通大学(2023-11-17)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:周晓荣/毛立明教授。
61. 江南大学(2023-11-17)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:马鑫院长/教授。
62. 南京大学(2023-11-16)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:吴稚伟教授。
63. 江苏省农科院(2023-11-16)。Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:武奇/李斌教授。
64. 安徽医科大学(2023-11-15)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:周洪院长/教授。
65. 中国科技大学(2023-11-15). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:藏建业教授。
66. 南京医科大学(2023-11-14). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:汤华民教授。
67. 南京农业大学动物医学院- (2023-11-14). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:范红结教授。
68. 扬州大学动物医学院- (2023-11-13). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:叶建强教授。
69. 徐州医科大学 (2023-11-10). NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. 邀请人:尤红娟教授。
70. 青岛大学医学院- (2023-11-9). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王斌教授。
71. 青岛农业大学- (2023-11-8). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:潘青教授。
72. 潍坊医学院- (2023-11-8). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:刘志军教授。
73. 山东大学- (2023-11-7). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:贾木天教授。
74. 山东聊城大学- (2023-11-7). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李旭勇教授。
75. 山东第一医科大学- (2023-11-6). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:于翠莲教授。
76. 山东省滨州畜牧兽医研究院- (2023-11-5). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王玉茂教授。
77. 河北大学生科院- (2023-11-3). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:佟杰教授。
78. 河北医科大学三院(2023-11-3)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:陈伟院长。
79. 吉林大学生科院(2023-11-2)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:于湘晖院长。
80. 军事医学科学院长春兽医所- (2023-11-2). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王泽东教授。
81. 首都儿科研究所- (2023-11-1). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:赵林青教授。
82. 北京脑科学研究所 (2023-11-1). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:陈坚教授。
83. 首都医科大学宣武医院(2023-10-24)。SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:刘大川主任。
84. 中科院动物所 (2023-10-31). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:郑爱华教授。
85. 北京化工大学 (2023-10-30). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:童贻刚教授。
86. 中国医科院药生所(2023-10-30). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:岑山教授。
87. 北京大学医学院 (2023-10-27). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:郑瑞茂/陈香梅教授。
88. 中国CDC病毒所 (2023-10-27). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:段招军教授。
89. 首都医科大学基础医学院 (2023-10-26). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王玺教授。
90. 北京化工大学(2023-10-26). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:杨昭教授。
91. 中国医科院基础所 (2023-10-25). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:石磊教授。
92. 军事医科院基础所 (2023-10-25). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:赵忠鹏教授。
93. 北京石油化工学院(2023-10-24). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:温振国教授。
94. 首都大学北京儿童医院 (2023-10-23). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:谢正德教授。
95. 北京农林科学院(2023-10-23). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:刘爵/王丹教授。
96. 闽江学院(2023-10-20). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:陈建明教授。
97. 福建省农科院兽医所(2023-10-20). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:万春和教授。
98. 温州大学(2023-10-19). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:王茂鹏教授。
99. 温州医科大学(2023-10-19). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:薛向阳教授。
100. 上海仁济医院(2023-10-18). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:赵爱民教授/院长。
101. 中科院免疫与感染研究所 (2023-10-18). NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1.邀请人:刘博教授。
102. 上海交通大学九院 (2023-10-17). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:季天海教授。
103. 东华大学(2023-10-17). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:黄志伟教授。
104. 上海交通大学农学院(2023-10-16). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:孙建和教授。
105. 卫生部CDC上海寄生虫病研究所 (2023-10-16). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:曹建平教授。
106. 复旦大学基础医学院(2023-10-13). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:陆路/应天雷教授。
107. 复旦大学华山医院(2023-10-13). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:万延民教授。
108. 复旦大学生科院(2023-10-12). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1/SCI写作投稿与科研. 邀请人:王刚教授/院长。
109. 上海中医药大学 (2023-10-12). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:郑月娟教授。
110. 同济大学生科院(2023-10-11). NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. 邀请人:杜昌升教授。
111. 中国科技大学生科院 (2023-10-10). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:金腾川教授。
112. 安徽医科大学附二院(2023-10-10). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 周强主任。
113. 赣南医学院附一院(2023-5-29). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:朱惠芳副教授/罗主任。
114. 深圳技术大学(2023-5-26). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:朱钦昌教授。
115. 汕头大学(2023-5-25). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:覃青松教授。
116. 暨南大学病毒研究院(2023-5-24). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:张其威教授。
117. 广州医科大学八院(2023-5-22). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:李锋教授。
118. 中国医科院成都输血所(2023-5-19). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:陈利民教授。
119. 中国农科院兰兽研(2023-5-18). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:张克山教授。
120. 西北农林大学(2023-5-17). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:赵钦教授。
121. 四川农业大学学(2023-5-16). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:程安春院长
122. 重庆医科大学(2023-5-15). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:黄爱龙校长
123. 重庆医科大学附一院(2023-5-15). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:吴忠均教授/处长。
124. “科研在县”-中国县域医院科研能力提升(2023-5-13). SCI写作投稿与科研. 邀请人:北京康盟慈善基金会/海南琼海市人民医院。
125. 海南医学院(2023-5-12). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:夏乾锋教授
126. 中国医科大学盛京医院(2023-5-11). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:阮强教授
127. 吉林农业大学(2023-5-10). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:曹欣教授
128. 吉林大学第一医院(2023-5-10). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:张文艳教授
129. 中国农科院哈兽研(2023-5-9). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:翁长江教授
130. 山东省农科院(2023-5-8). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:李俊教授
131. 内蒙古大学(2023-5-6). Evasion of the Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:高洁副教授
132. 天津医科大学(2023-5-5). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:余秋景教授
133. 南开大学(2023-5-4). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:朱玉山教授
134. 中国农业大学(2023-5-4). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:韩军教授
135. 大理大学附一院(2023-4-28). SCI写作投稿与科研. 邀请人:汤红志主任。
136. 昆明理工大学医学院(2023-4-28). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:黄芬教授。
137. 昆明农业大学 (2023-4-27). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:向斌教授。
138. 中国医科院昆明生物所 (2023-4-26). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:刘龙丁教授。
139. 昆明市儿童医院(2023-4-26). SCI撰写与科研. 邀请人:李莉主任。
140. 中南大学 (2023-4-25). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:卢建红教授。
141. 湖南大学(2023-4-24). Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:葛行义教授。
142. 湖南师范大学 (2023-4-24). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:李婷婷教授。
143. 中南大学湘雅三医院(2023-4-21). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:彭向东主任。
144. 湖南农业大学(2023-4-21). Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:李军华教授。
145. 湖北工业大学(2023-4-20). SCI写作投稿与基金申请. 邀请人:胡康洪教授。
146. 华中农业大学(2023-4-19). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:郭爱珍教授。
147. 华中科技大学同济医学院(2023-4-18). Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:范雄林教授。
148. 湖北医药学院(2023-4-14). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:刘龙教授。
149. 河南省农科院(2023-4-13). UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:李睿博士。
150. 郑州大学医药研究院(2023-4-12). Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1. 邀请人:彭颖教授
151. 河南新乡医学院院(2023-4-11)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:王洁霞教授/杨波长教授
152. 河南新乡医学院(2023-4-11)。科研创新思维与方法讲座。林俊堂教授
153. 河南大学医学院(2023-4-10)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:李霞教授/李继承院长
154. 厦门大学(2023-3-31)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:林忠宁教授。
155. 深圳龙岗区妇幼保健院(2023-3-31)。SCI写作与科研. 邀请人:魏凤香院长/主任。
156. 深圳第三人民医院(2023-3-31)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:张国良教授。
157. 华南理工大学(2023-3-28)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:杜红丽教授。
158. 广州医科大学(2023-3-27)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. 邀请人:蔡銘升/彭涛教授。
159. 中山大学肿瘤医院(2023-3-24)。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation.邀请人:曾木圣教授。
160. 暨南大学药学院(2023-3-23) 。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation.邀请人:任哲/王一飞教授。
161. 广州血液中心 (2023-3-22) 。Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:戎霞主任
162. 暨南大学药学院(2023-3-22) 。Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:何蓉蓉教授。
163. 中科院广州健康所(2023-3-22) 。UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation.邀请人:陈凌教授。
164. 华南农业大学(2023-3-21)。Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:龚浪/张桂红教授。
165. 广东省农科院(2023-3-20),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:翟少伦/廖明教授。
166. 第二届华夏临床微生物与感染学术年会暨第八届京港感染论坛(郑州,2019年11月15日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:秦成峰教授。
167. 河南农业大学(郑州,2019年11月15日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:王江/储贝贝教授。
168. 安图生物工程有限公司(郑州,2019年11月14日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:李伟丽工程师。
169. 赣州医学院附属第一医院儿科研究中心(赣州,2019年5月7日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:朱惠芳副研究员。
170. 北京农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所(北京,2018年9月17日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:刘爵所长。
171. 河南大学医学院(开封,2018年4月15日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:卫文强副教授。
172. The International Conference on Microbiology, Virology, and Immunology (CMVI 2017) (三亚,2017年12月2日). 报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:CMVI Organizing Committee.
173. 南京农业大学(南京,2017年11月20日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:吕英军副教授
174. 中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所(哈尔滨,2017年10月23日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:蔡雪辉研究员
175. 徐州医科大学(徐州,2017年5月26日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:郑葵阳校长
176. 中国农业大学(北京,2017年5月2日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:韩军教授
177. 扬州大学(扬州,2017年4月12日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:叶建强教授
178. 福建师范大学(福州,2017年3月16日),报告题目:Evasion of DNA sensing Antiviral Innate immunity by HSV-1.邀请人:陈志坚院士,陈骐教授。
179. 加拿大University of Calgary (Calgary,Jan. 30th, 2017). 报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses, an update. 邀请人:Dr. Chris H. Mody.
180. 福建农林大学(福州,2016年12月29日),报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update.邀请人:陈吉龙院长
181. 福建医科大学(福州,2016年5月30日): 报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update. 邀请人:林旭副校长
182. 福建省肿瘤医院(福州,2016年5月31日),报告题目:HSV-1基因治疗载体在肿瘤肿瘤中的应用。邀请人:叶韵斌主任
183. 华南农业大学兽医学院(广州,2016年5月11),报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update.邀请人:杨增明院长
184. 重庆医科大学(重庆,2015年9月23日),报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update. 邀请人:黄爱龙副校长。
185. 北京大学生科院(北京,2014年12月4日),报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update. 邀请人:郑晓峰教授。http://www.bio.pku.edu.cn/displaynews2.php?id=6639
186. 中国农业大学(北京,2014年12月3日),报告题目:Evasion of Host Innate Immunity by HSV-1, an update. 邀请人:唐军教授
187. 广州医科大学(广州,2014年4月),报告题目:Herpes simplex virus 1 counteracts viperin via its virion host shutoff protein UL41. 邀请人:彭涛教授
188. 广州医科大学(广州,2013年4月),报告题目:HSV-1 gB activates NF-κB through the TLR2 and MyD88/TRAF6-dependent signaling pathway. 邀请人:李孜教授.
189. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所(昆明,2012年11月9日). 报告题目:HSV-1 Serine/Threonine Kinase US3 Hyper-phosphorylates IRF3 and Attenuates the production of IFN-b. 邀请人:周巨民教授
190. 广州医科大学(广州,2012年4月)HSV-1 Serine/Threonine Kinase US3 Hyper-phosphorylates IRF3 and Attenuates the production of IFN-b. 邀请人:李孜教授.
191. 苏州大学苏州大学唐仲英血液研究中心(苏州,2012年5月22日),报告题目:Innate Immunity and HSV-1 Infection. 邀请人:何苏丹教授
192. 扬州大学医学院(扬州,2012年5月21日),报告题目:Innate Immunity and HSV-1 Infection. 邀请人:龚卫娟教授
193. 陕西师范大学生命科学院(西安,2012年5月18日),报告题目:Innate Immunity and HSV-1 Infection. 邀请人:孙燕教授
194. 加拿大McGill University (Montreal, Mar. 9th. 2012), 报告题目:HSV-1 gB activates NF-κB through the TLR2 and MyD88/TRAF6-dependent signaling pathway. 邀请人:Dr. Rongtuan Lin
195. 加拿大McMaster University(Hamilton, Mar. 8th. 2012), 报告题目:HSV-1 gB activates NF-κB through the TLR2 and MyD88/TRAF6-dependent signaling pathway. 邀请人:Dr. Karen L. Mossman
196. 加拿大University of Calgary (Calgary,Jul. 15th, 2011). 报告题目: Evasion of innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses. 邀请人:Dr. Chris H. Mody
197. 中国科学院微生物研究所(北京,2011年12月12日),报告题目: Subversion of innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses. 邀请人:刘文军研究员。
198. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所(昆明,2011年10月8日). 报告题目: Subversion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses. 邀请人:周巨民教授
199. 华侨大学分子药物研究所(2011年3月2 5日),报告题目:Evasion of host innate immunity by alphaherpesvirus. 邀请人:许瑞安教授
200. 江苏省免疫学学会(2011年3月12日),报告题目: Evasion of the host innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses. 周洪教授
201. 福建省农业科学院(2011年2月14日),报告题目:Location, location and function; 邀请人:郑怀勇研究员
202. 福建医科大学(2011年1月21日),报告题目:Location, location and function; 邀请人:林旭教授
203. 厦门大学医学院(2010年12月14日),报告题目:Location, location and function; 邀请人:刘祖国院长
204. 北京生命科学研究所 (NIBS,原国家生命科学研究所) (2009年6月); 报告题目:Cytotoxic CD4 T cells use granulysin to kill Cryptococcus neoformans, and activation of this pathway is defective in HIV patients. 邀请人:李文辉研究员
205. 中国医学科学院,中国协和医科大学医学生物学研究所(昆明) (2009年2月);报告题目:Location, location and location. 邀请人:李琦涵研究员
1. Chunfu Zheng. Herpes simplex virus 1 UL36USP antagonizes type I IFN-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Oral presentation in the 43rd International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW43), Vancouver, Canada. July. 21-25th, 2018.
2. Chunfu Zheng. HSV-1 serine/threonine kinase US3 hyperphosphorylates IRF3 and inhibits the IFN-β production. Oral presentation at the 100th AAI annual meeting. Hawaii, USA, May 2-7th, 2013
3. Chunfu Zheng. Evasion of IFN-β signaling pathway by HSV-1 UL36. Oral presentation in the 37th International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW37), Calgary, Canada. Aug. 4-8th, 2012.
4. Chunfu Zheng. Evasion of IFN-β signaling pathway by HSV-1 Us3.Oral presentation in the 37th International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW37), Calgary, Canada. Aug. 4-8th, 2012.
5. Chunfu Zheng. Evasion of IFN-β signaling pathway by HSV-1 Us11. Oral presentation in the 36th International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW36), Gdansk, Poland. July. 24-28 th, 2011.
6. Chunfu Zheng. Identification of nuclear and nucleolar localization signals in PRV UL54 and its nuclear targeting is required for the efficient production of the virus. Oral presentation in the 36th International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW36), Gdansk, Poland. July. 24-28 th, 2011.
7. Chunfu Zheng. Characterization of the Interaction Complex of HSV-1 ICP22, UL3, UL4, and UL20.5 via BiFC and MFC. Oral presentation in the 35th International Herpesvirus Workshop (IHW35), University of Utah, USA. July. 24-28 th, 2010.
8. Chunfu Zheng and Christopher H. Mody. Both PI3K and STAT5 Signaling Pathways Are Involved in Granulysin Expression in IL-2 Activated Primary CD4+ T cells but are defective in HIV-infected patients. Oral presentation in 14th Canadian Resident-Fellow Research Competition in Respiratory Health, Ottawa, Canada, April 27 – 29, 2007.
9. Chunfu Zheng and Christopher H. Mody. Both PI3K and STAT5 Signaling Pathways Are Involved in Granulysin Expression in IL-2 Activated Primary CD4+ T cells but are defective in HIV-infected patients. Oral presentation in Canadian Society for Immunology 2007 annual Spring meeting. Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada. Mar. 15-18th, 2007.
10. Chunfu Zheng and Christopher H. Mody. PI3K and STAT5 Cooperate in the Regulation of Inducible Granulysin Expression in IL-2 Activated Primary CD4+ T cells. Poster presentation in Keystone Symposium Jaks, Stats and Immunity. Steamboat Spring, Colorado, USA. Jan 5-10th, 2007
11. Chunfu Zheng and Christopher H. Mody. Cytotoxic CD4+ T cells use granulysin to kill Cryptococcus neoformans, and activation of this pathway is defective in HIV patients. Poster presentation in Immunology 2006 (The annual meeting of the American Association of Immunologist [AAI]). Boston, MA, USA. May 12-16th, 2006. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 176: S118-S118 Suppl. S, APR 1 2006
12. Chunfu Zheng and Christopher H. Mody. The Mechanism of CD4+ T Cell-Mediated Anticryptococcal Activity. Poster presentation in Keystone Symposium Innate Immunity. Banff, Alberta, Canada. Feb. 10-15th, 2006. Page 93.
13. Chunfu Zheng, Brownlie R, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Characterization of nuclear localization and export signal of bovine herpesvirus-1 VP22. Oral presentation at 24th American Society of Virology Meeting in Pennsylvania State University. June 18-22, 2005
14. Chunfu Zheng, Juhls C, Oswald D, Sack F, IWestfehling I, Wittig B, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk S. Effect of different nuclear localization sequences on the immune responses induced by a MIDGE vector encoding bovine herpesvirus-1 glycoprotein D. Poster presentation in 2004 DNA Vaccine meeting in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Nov. 17-19, 2004
15. Chunfu Zheng, Brownlie R, Huang Y, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Intercellular trafficking of the major tegument protein VP22 of bovine herpesvirus-1 and its application to improve a DNA vaccine. Oral presentation at 23rd American Society of Virology Meeting in McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Jul 10-14, 2004.
16. Chunfu Zheng, Brownlie R, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Characterization of Nuclear Localization and Export Signals of the Major Tegument Protein VP8 of Bovine Herpesvirus-1. Oral presentation at 23rd American Society of Virology Meeting in University of California, Davis, USA. Jul 12-16, 2003.
1. 第15届全国病毒学大会(2023-11-25. NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. 邀请人:袁正红教授。
2. 第四届中国疱疹病毒与相关疾病及抗病毒策略论坛(武汉,2016年11月5-7日)。报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by HSV-1 UL41.
3. 江苏省微生物学会年会(江苏淮安,2015年11月13-15日),特邀报告,报告题目:Evasion of the host antiviral innate immunity by HSV-1.
4. 第三届中国疱疹病毒与相关疾病及抗病毒策略论坛(南京,2015年11月6-8日),报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses, an update.
5. 第二届中国人类疱疹病毒及相关疾病学术研讨会(广州,2014年12月),报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses, an update.
6. 第十届全国病毒学大会(哈尔滨,2013年9月23-25日), 报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses, an update.
7. 首届中国人类疱疹病毒及相关疾病学术研讨会(上海,2013年1月9-11日),报告题目:Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses.
8. 湖北省细胞生物学学会年会(2011年11月,十堰);报告题目:Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses.
9. 第九届全国病毒学大会(西安,2011年10月22-24日), 报告题目: Evasion of the innate immunity by alphaherpesviruses.
10. 湖北省免疫学会第九届学术年会(2011年1月,武汉),报告题目:单纯疱疹病毒感染与免疫;
11. 中国科学院第三届病毒与免疫学学术交流会 (2010年11月,中科院上海生科院);报告题目:Location, location and function;
12. 第七届全国免疫学学术大会(2010年10月,北京);报告题目:Granulysin production and anticryptococcal activity is dependent upon a far upstream enhancer that binds STAT5 in human peripheral blood CD4+ T cells.(基础免疫);Varicella Zoster Virus Immediate Early Protein ORF61 blocks the IFN-β pathway by degradation of activated IRF3.(传染免疫);
13. 第八届全国病毒学学术研讨会(2009年10月,北京),并主持动物病毒学分会场的报告;; 报告题目:location, location and location;
14. 2009年中国微生物学会学术年会(2009年10月,张家界);报告题目:location, location and location;
15. 中国科学院-中国医学科学院首届免疫与疾病研讨会(2009年6月,北京);报告题目:Cytotoxic CD4 T cells use granulysin to kill Cryptococcus neoformans, and activation of this pathway is defective in HIV patients;
16. 第七届全国病毒学学术研讨会(2007年,武汉),并主持动物病毒学分会场的报告;报告题目:Arginine-rich Region of the Infected Cell Protein 27 of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Is Responsible for its Nuclear and Nucleolar Localization.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82072263,I型单纯疱疹病毒逃逸TRIM69介导抗病毒天然免疫的研究,2021/01-2024/12,55万元,在研,主持;
2. 福建省自然科学基金重点项目,2020J02037,MIB1/2调控抗病毒天然免疫及HSV-1免疫逃逸的分子机制,2021/01-2023/12,30万元,在研,主持;
3. 福建省科技创新计划项目,2018Y9064,I型单纯疱疹病毒感染损伤神经元细胞分子机制的研究,2019/01-2021/12,100万元,在研,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81772182,I型单纯疱疹病毒UL46逃逸宿主DNA识别抗病毒天然免疫信号通路分子机制的研究,2018/01-2019/12,25万元,已结题,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81571974,I型单纯疱疹病毒UL24干扰宿主天然免疫等重要信号通路的研究,2016/01-2019/12;60万元,已结题,主持;
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81371795,I型单纯疱疹病毒USP36干扰宿主天然免疫等重要信号通路的研究,2014/1-2017/12,100万元,已结题,主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81171584,反向酵母双杂交筛选与天然免疫重要信号分子相互作用的HSV-1蛋白及其干扰天然免疫分子机制的研究,2012/01-2015/12,58万元,已结题,主持;
8. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2011CB504802,病毒潜伏感染的分子机制,2011/01-2015/12,368万元(承担115万元),已结题,主持(子课题二)
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972670,T淋巴细胞颗粒溶素(granulysin)表达的基因调控机制的研究,2010/01-2012/12,35万元,已结题,主持
10. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2010CB530100,重要病毒入侵机制研究,2010/01-2014/12, 100万元,已结题,参与
11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30870120,I型牛疱疹病毒蛋白BICP27核及核仁定位信号的确定及其生物学功能研究,2009/01-2011/12,30万元,已结题,主持
12. 中国科学院百人计划(武汉病毒研究所),2007/08-2012/12, 300万元,病毒免疫学
1. Rao CH, Huang R, Bai YZ, Yu C, Chen M, Peng JM, Xu SJ, Sun MX, Wang SJ, Yang YB, An TQ, Tian ZJ, Lyu C, Cai XH, Zheng C, Meng F, Tang YD. MARCH8 inhibits pseudorabies virus replication by trapping the viral cell-to-cell fusion complex in the trans-Golgi network. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024:133463.
2. Li X, Lin S, Yang X, Chen C, Cao S, Zhang Q, Ma J, Zhu G, Zhang Q, Fang Q, Zheng C, Liang W, Wu X.When IGF-1 Meets Metabolic Inflammation and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024;138:112529.
3. Shen Y, Zhao X, Chen L, Wang X, Wang D, Zhang H, Zheng Z, Huang W, Zheng C, Chen Y, Chen C, Chen Q. A modified HSV-1 oncolytic virus reconciles antiviral and antitumor immunity via promoting IFNβ expression and inhibiting PKR. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024;274(Pt 2):133297
4. Zheng Q, Lin R, Wang D, Zheng C, Xu W. Effects of circulating inflammatory proteins on spinal degenerative diseases: Evidence from genetic correlations and Mendelian randomization study. JOR Spine. 2024;7(2):e1346.
5. Araf Y, Nipa JF, Naher S, Maliha ST, Rahman H, Arafat KI, Munif MR, Uddin MJ, Jeba N, Saha S, Zhai J, Hasan SMN, Xue M, Hossain MG, Zheng C.Insights into the Transmission, Host Range, Genomics, Vaccination, and Current Epidemiology of the Monkeypox Virus. Vet Med Int. 2024;2024:8839830.
6. Zheng Q, Wang D, Lin R, Li Z, Chen Y, Chen R, Zheng C, Xu W. Effects of circulating inflammatory proteins on osteoporosis and fractures: evidence from genetic correlation and Mendelian randomization study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2024;15:1386556.
7. Yu C, Wu Q, Xin J, Yu Q, Ma Z, Xue M, Xu Q, Zheng C. Designing a smallpox B-cell and T-cell multi-epitope subunit vaccine using a comprehensive immunoinformatics approach. Microbiol Spectr. 2024:e0046524.
8. Zhou Q, Shi D, Tang YD, Zhang L, Hu B, Zheng C, Huang L, Weng C. Pseudorabies virus gM and its homologous proteins in herpesviruses induce mitochondria-related apoptosis involved in viral pathogenicity. PLoS Pathog. 2024;20(4):e1012146.
9. Pan D, Wang Q, Shen A, Qi Z, Zheng C, Hu B. When DNA damage responses meet tumor immunity: From mechanism to therapeutic opportunity. Int J Cancer. 2024
10. Tong J, Song J, Zhang W, Zhai J, Guan Q, Wang H, Liu G, Zheng C. When DNA-damage responses meet innate and adaptive immunity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2024;81(1):185
11. Li S, Zhang H, Li W, Zhai J, Li X, Zheng C. The role of SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a in autophagy flux disruption: implications for viral infection and pathogenesis. Autophagy. 2024:1-3.
12. Yu C, Bai Y, Tan W, Bai Y, Li X, Zhou Y, Zhai J, Xue M, Tang YD, Zheng C, Liu Q. Human MARCH1, 2, and 8 block Ebola virus envelope glycoprotein cleavage via targeting furin P domain. J Med Virol. 2024;96(2):e29445
13. Araf Y, Akter M, Zhai J, Zheng Chunfu*, Hossain MG*. Emerging health implications of climate change: dengue outbreaks and beyond in Bangladesh. Lancet Microbe. 2023; S2666-5247(23)00366-X.
14. Wang L, Tao Y, Zhai J, Xue M, Zheng C, Hu H. The emerging roles of ac4C acetylation "writer" NAT10 in tumorigenesis: A comprehensive review. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023;254(2):127789.
15. Shun Li, Xiaobo Li, Haowei Liang, Kuike Yu, Jingbo Zhai, Mengzhou Xue, Zhuojing Luo, Chunfu Zheng *, and Hao Zhang. SARS-CoV-2 ORF7a blocked autophagy flux by intervening in the fusion between autophagosome and lysosome to promote viral infection and pathogenesis. J Med Virol. 2023; 95(11): e29200.
16. Chakraborty C, Bhattacharya M, Alshammari A, Alharbi M, Albekairi TH, Zheng C. Exploring the structural and molecular interaction landscape of nirmatrelvir and Mpro complex: The study might assist in designing more potent antivirals targeting SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. J Infect Public Health. 2023;16(12):1961-1970
17. Zhan Y, Ye L, Ouyang Q, Yin J, Cui J, Liu K, Guo C, Zhang H, Zhai J, Zheng C, Guo A, Sun B. The binding profile of SARS-CoV-2 with human leukocyte antigen polymorphisms reveals critical alleles involved in immune evasion. J Med Virol. 2023;95(9):e2911.
18. Yu C, Liu Q, Zhao Z, Zhai J, Xue M, Tang YD, Wang C, Zheng C.The emerging roles of MARCH8 in viral infections: A double-edged Sword. PLoS Pathogen. 2023; 19(9):e1011619.
19. Zheng C. Assessing the prognostic scoring models to predict patient outcomes in AIDS-related diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. J Med Virol. 2023; 95(9):e29070.
20. Zheng C. Genotype 4 hepatitis E virus infection and acute pancreatitis. Microbes Infect. 2023;25(8):105208.
21. Yao Bai, Kun Liu, Zhijun Chen, Zhongjun Shao, Jingbo Zhai, Mengzhou Xue, Chunfu Zheng*. Short- and long-term impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the prevalence of varicella in Xi'an during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Med Virol. 2023; 95(8):e29020.
22. Rongzhao Zhang, Wenxian Yang, Huifang Zhu, Jingbo Zhai, Mengzhou Xue, and Chunfu Zheng*. NLRC4 promotes the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by facilitating CBL-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1. J Med Virol. 2023; 95(8):e29013.
23. Shang S, Fu B, Geng Y, Zhang J, Zhang D, Xiao F, Sheng Z, Zhai J, Li W, Chen X, Zheng Chunfu*, Li Q. Azvudine therapy of common COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients. J Med Virol. 2023;95(8):e29007.
24. Liang W, Li X, Wang H, Wang S, Meng Q, Feng R, Zhai J, Xue M, Zheng Chunfu*. Exploration of the common gene and potential molecular mechanisms between Herpes simplex virus 1 infection and Alzheimer's disease. Genes Dis. 2022;10(3):746-749.
25. Suleman M, Khan SH, Rashid F, Khan A, Hussain Z, Zaman N, Rehman SU, Zhai J, Xue M, Zheng Chunfu*. Designing a multi-epitopes subunit vaccine against human herpes virus 6A based on molecular dynamics and immune stimulation. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023 Jul 31;244:12506.
26. Zhang S, Ju J, Yang F, Zheng Chunfu*, Zhai J. Ocular Tropism of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. J Med Virol. 2023 Mar;95(3):e28594.
27. Cui X, Wang Y, Zhai J, Xue M, Zheng Chunfu*, Yu L. Future Trajectory of SARS-CoV-2: Constant Spillover Back and Forth between Humans and Animals.Virus Reseach.2023; 328:199075
28. Xue Y, Ke J, Zhang J, Chen M, Zeng L, Fan Q, Zheng Chunfu*, Chen F. Analysis of long noncoding RNAs and mRNAs expression profiles in the hearts of mice with acute viral myocarditis. J Med Virol. 2023;95(2):e28473,
29. Yu C, Wang G, Liu Q, Zhai J, Xue M, Li Q, Xian Y, Zheng Chunfu*. Host Antiviral Factors Hijack Furin to Block SARS-CoV-2, Ebola Virus, and HIV-1 Glycoproteins Cleavage. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2023;12(1):2164742.
30. Jie Gao, Qiaoban Wang, Yan-Dong Tang, Jingbo Zhai, Wei Hu, Chunfu Zheng*. When ferroptosis meets pathogenic infections. Trends in Microbiology. 2023;31(5):468-479.
31. Xirui Zhang, Hao Yuan, Zipeng Yang, Yasser S. Mahmmod, Xiaoyu Hu, Xiaojing Zhu, Cuiping Zhao, Jingbo Zhai, Xiu-Xiang Zhang, Shengjun Luo, Xiao-Hu Wang, Mengzhou Xue, Chunfu Zheng*, Zi-Guo Yuan. SARS-CoV-2: An Updated Review Highlighting Its Evolution and Treatments. Vaccine (Basel). 2022;10(12):2145.
32. Fariya Akter, Yusha Araf, Salman Khan Promon, Jingbo Zhai, Chunfu Zheng*. 3D bioprinting for regenerating COVID-19-mediated irreversibly damaged lung tissue. International Journal of Bioprint. 2022; 8(4):616.
33. Yusha Araf, Sumaiya Tasnim Maliha, Jingbo Zhai, Chunfu Zheng*. Marburg Virus Outbreak 2022: A Public Health Concern. Lancet Microbe. 2023;4(1):e9.
34. Yu X, Zheng Y, Zeng D, Zhou Y, Sun J, Su M, Zhang H, Zheng M, Huang Z, Lin W, Mao R, Zhang J, Zheng Chunfu*, Su Z. Decreased frequency of a novel T-lymphocyte subset, CD3 + CD4 - CD7 + CD57 - T cells, in hepatitis B virus-related end-stage liver disease might contribute to disease progression. J Med Virol. 2023;95(1):e28129
35. Abu Tayab Moin, Rajesh B. Patil, Tahani Tabassum, Yusha Araf, Md. Asad Ullah, Hafsa Jarin Snigdha, Tawfiq Alam Jishan, Bishajit Sarkar, Bashudev Rudra, Sohana Akter Mina, Yasmin Akter, Jingbo Zhai, Chunfu Zheng*. Immunoinformatics Approach to Design Novel Subunit Vaccine against the Epstein-Barr Virus. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022: e0115122.
36. Cai C, Tang Y, Zhai J, Chunfu Zheng*. The RING finger protein family in health and disease. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022; 7(1):300.
37. Zhai Shaolun, Zheng Chunfu* and Laio Ming. Spillover infection of two common anima coronaviruses to humans: its potential public health risk. Lancet Microbe. 2022; S2666-5247(22)00198-7.
38. Cheng ZJ, Huang H, Liu Q, Zhong R, Liang Z, Xue M, Liu M, Li S, Wang H, Zheng P, Zheng Chunfu*, Sun B. Immunoassay and mass cytometry revealed immunological profiles induced by inactivated BBIBP COVID-19 vaccine. J Med Virol. 2022;94(11):5206-5216.
39. Farheen S, Araf Y, Tang Y, Chenfu Zheng*. The Deltacron conundrum: its origin and potential health risks. J Med Virol. 2022; 94(11):5096-5102.
40. Chowdhury Nusaiba, Yusha Araf, Mohammad Jakir Hosen, and Chunfu Zheng*. Coinfection of COVID-19 and Dengue: a Case Report. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022;9:872627.
41. Wei W, Bai L, Yan B, Meng W, Wang H, Zhai J, Si F, Zheng Chunfu*. When liquid-liquid phase separation meets viral infections. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13:985622.
42. Weizheng Liang, Yanxu Qi, Yi Hongyang, Chenyu Mao, Qingxue Meng, Hao Wang , and Chunfu Zheng*. The roles of adipose tissue macrophages in human disease. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022; 13:908749.
43. Yu Ye, Zaijiao Ye, Liangyu Yang, Bin Xiang, Chunfu Zheng*. Unignorable public health risk of avian influenza virus during COVID-19 pandemic. J Med Virol. 2022; 94(9):4058-4060.
44. Huifang Zhu, Rongzhao Zhang, Li Yi, Yan-Dong Tang, Chunfu Zheng*. UNC93B1 attenuates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway by targeting STING for autophagy-lysosome degradation. J Med Virol. 2022;94(9):4490-4501.
45. Zhai SL, Li CL, Sun MF, Zhang JF, Zheng Chunfu*, Liao M. Natural infections of SARS-CoV-2 increased in animals: How should humans get along with animals? J Med Virol. 2022; 94(8):3503-3505.
46. Weizheng Liang, Xiushen Li, Hao Wang, Kechao Nie, Qingxue Meng, Junli He and Chunfu Zheng*. Puerarin: a potential therapeutic for SARS-CoV-2 and Hantavirus co-infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13:892350.
47. Weizheng Liang, Shuangqing Wang, Hao Wang, Xiushen Li, Qingxue Meng, Yan Zhao, Chunfu Zheng*. When 3D genome technology meets viral infection, including SARS-CoV-2. J Med Virol. 2022;94(12):5627-5639.
48. Yusha Araf, Abu Tayab Moin, Vladimir I Timofeev, Nairita Ahsan Faruqui, Syeda Afra Saiara, Nafisa Ahmed, Md. Sorwer Alam Parvez, Tanjim Ishraq Rahaman, Bishajit Sarkar, Md. Asad Ullah, Chunfu Zheng* and Mohammad Jakir Hosen*. Immunoinformatic Design of a Multivalent Peptide Vaccine Against Mucormycosis: Targeting FTR1 Protein of all Causative Fungi. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13:863234.
49. Gao J, Tang Y, Hu W, Zheng C*. When poly(A) binding proteins meet viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2; Journal of Virology; 2022; 96(7):e0013622 (Gem) 封面文章
50. Yan Y, Tang Y, Zheng Chunfu*. When cyclin-dependent kinases meet viral infections, including SARS-CoV-2. J Med Virol. 2022; 94(7):2962-2968.
51. Cai C, Tang Y, Zheng Chunfu*. When RING Finger Family Proteins meet SARS-CoV-2. J Med Virol. 2022; 94(7):2977-2985
52. Chowdhury Prapty, Chunfu Zheng*, Md. Golzar Hossain. SARS-CoV-2 and dengue virus co-infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Rev. Med. Virol. 2022; e2340.
53. Yan Yan, Yuanwang Qiu, Chantsalmaa Davgadorj, Chunfu Zheng*. Novel molecular therapeutics targeting signaling pathway to control hepatitis B viral infection. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022; 12:847539.
54. Hossain M, Shahria S, Araf Y, Ahmad R, Kattel P, Zheng Chunfu*. Insights into the coinfections of HIV-HBV, HIV-HCV, and HBV-HCV: Prevalence, risk factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Front. Microbiol. 2022; 12:780887
55. Zhou H, Tang YD and Zheng Chunfu*. Revisiting IRF1-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2022; S1359-6101(22)00004-1.
56. Araf Y, Akter F, Tang Y, Fatemi R, Parvez M, Chenfu Zheng*, Hossain M. Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2: Genomics, transmissibility, and responses to current COVID-19 vaccines. J Med Virol. 2022; 94(5):1825-1832.
57. Zheng Chunfu* and Tang Y. The emerging roles of the CDK/cyclin complexes in antiviral innate immunity. J Med Virol. 2022. 13: 94(6):2384-2387
58. Hossain M, Tang Y, Akter S, Zheng Chunfu*. Roles of the polybasic furin cleavage site of spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 replication, pathogenesis, host immune responses, and vaccination. Journal of Medical Virology. 2022; 94(5):1815-1820.
59. Su C, Tang Y, Zheng Chunfu*. DExD/H-box helicases: multifunctional regulators in antiviral innate immunity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022;79(1):2.
60. Lin Feng and Zheng Chunfu*. The Crosstalk between DNA Damage Response Components and DNA-sensing Innate Immune Signaling Pathways. Int. Rev. Immunol. 2022;41(2):217-30
61. Xiong Y, Tang Y, Zheng Chunfu*. The crosstalk between the caspases family and the cGAS-STING signaling pathway. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. 2021;13(10):739-747.
62. Cai C, Tang Y, Xu G, Zheng Chunfu*. The Crosstalk between Viral RNA and DNA Sensing Mechanisms. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021; 78(23):7437-34
63. Kong F, You H, Tang R, Zheng Chunfu*. The crosstalk between pattern-recognition receptor signaling and calcium signaling. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2021; 192: 745-56.
64. Zhu Huifang and Zheng Chunfu*. The Critical Role of PARPs in Regulating Innate Immune Responses. Front Immunol. 2021;12:712556
65. Zhang Rongzhao, Su Chenhe and Zheng Chunfu*. When human guanylate-binding proteins meet viral infections. J. Biomed. Sci. 2021;28(1):17-23
66. Su Chenhe and Zheng Chunfu*. When Rab GTPases Meet Innate Immune signaling pathways. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 2021; 59:95-100
67. Chunfu Zheng*. When MARCH family proteins meet viral infections. Virology Journal. 2021; 18(1):49.
68. Zhu Huifang and Zheng Chunfu*. When PARPs Meet Antiviral Innate Immunity. Trends in Microbiology. 2021;29(9):776-8 (邀请综述)
69. Zheng Chunfu*. The Emerging Roles of the MARCH ligases in Antiviral Innate Immunity. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2021;171:423-7.
70. Zheng Chunfu*. The emerging roles of NOD-like receptors in antiviral innate immune signaling pathways. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2021; 169: 407-13.
71. Wang Guanming and Zheng Chunfu*. Zinc finger proteins in the host-virus interplay: multifaceted functions based on their nucleic acid-binding property. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 2021;45(3):fuaa59
72. Yi Li and Zheng Chunfu*. The emerging roles of ZDHHCs-mediated protein palmitoylation in the antiviral innate immune responses. Crit. Rev. Microbiol. 2021; 47(1): 34-43.
73. Zhu Huifang and Zheng Chunfu*. The Race between Host Antiviral Innate Immunity and the Immune Evasion Strategies by HSV-1. MMBR. 2020;84(4): e00099-20
74. Chunfu Zheng*. Protein dynamics in cytosolic DNA sensing antiviral innate immune signaling pathway. Front Immunol. 2020;10:2627.
75. You H, Lin Y, Lin F, Yang M, Li J, Zhang R, Huang Z, Shen Q, Tang R and Zheng Chunfu*. β-catenin is Required for cGAS/STING Signaling Pathway but Antagonized by HSV-1 US3 Protein. Journal of Virology. 2020, 94(5): JVI.01847-19 (Spotlight feature article)
76. Lin Yingying and Zheng Chunfu*. A Tug of War: DNA-Sensing Antiviral Innate Immunity and Herpes Simplex Virus Type I Infection. Front. Microbiol. 10:2627. 2019. doi: 10.3389/fmicb2019.02627
77. You H, Zheng S, Huang Z, Lin Y, and Zheng C*. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Tegument Protein UL46 Inhibits TANK-binding Kinase 1-mediated Signaling. mBio. 2019, 10(3): pii: e00919-19.
78. Yuan H, You J, You H and Zheng C*. Herpes simplex virus 1 UL36USP antagonizes type I IFN-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Journal of Virology. 2018, 92(19): JVI.01161-18.
79. Huang J, You H, Su C and Chunfu Zheng*. Herpes simplex virus I tegument protein VP22 abrogates cGAS/STING-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Journal of Virology. 2018, 92(15): JVI.00841-18.
80. Zheng Chunfu*. Evasion of Host DNA Sensing signal antiviral innate immunity by HSV-1 (Gems). Journal of Virology. 2018; 92(6): JVI.00099-17.
81. You H, Yuan H, Su C and Zheng Chunfu*. Herpes simplex virus type 1 abrogates the antiviral activity of Ch25h via its virion host shutoff protein. Antiviral Research. 2017;143:69e73.
82. Dong X, Guan J, Zheng Chunfu*, Zheng X. The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 UL36USP Deubiquitinase Suppresses DNA Repair in Host Cells via Deubiquitination of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2017; 292(20):8472-8483.
83. Xu H, Su C, Pearson A, Mody CH and Zheng Chunfu*. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 UL24 Abrogates DNA Sensing Signal Pathway by inhibiting NF-kB Activation. Journal of Virology. 2017; 91(7): e00025-17.
84. Zheng C* and Su C. Herpes simplex virus 1 infection dampens the immediate early antiviral innate immunity signaling from peroxisomes by tegument protein VP16. Virology Journal. 2017; 14(1): 35.
85. Su C and Zheng Chunfu*. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Abrogates cGAS/STING Mediated Cytosolic DNA-sensing Pathway via Its Virion Host Shutoff Protein UL41. Journal of Virology. 2017; 91(6): e02414-16.
86. Ye R, Su C, Xu H and Zheng C*. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ubiquitin-specific Protease UL36 abrogates NF-κB Activation in DNA Sensing Signal Pathway. Journal of Virology. 2017; 91(5): e02417-16
87. Zhang P, Su C, Jiang Z and Zheng C*. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 UL41 Protein Suppresses the IRE1/XBP1 Signal Pathway of the Unfolded Protein Response via its RNase activity. Journal of Virology. 2017; 91(4): e02056-16
88. Jiang Z, Su C and Zheng C. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Tegument Protein UL41 Counteracts IFIT3 Antiviral Innate Immunity. Journal of Virology. 2016; 90(24):11056-61.
89. Zhang D, Su C and Zheng Chunfu. Herpes simplex virus type 1 serine protease VP24 blocks DNA sensing signal pathway by abrogating IRF3 activation. Journal of Virology. 2016; 90(12):5824-9.
90. Su C, Zhan G and Zheng Chunfu. Evasion of host antiviral immunity by HSV-1, an update. Virology Journal. 2016; 13: 38. (应Virology Journal 杂志邀请为“HSV-1感染与宿主相互作用”专题组稿,并撰写该综述)
91. Yu X, Li Y, Chen Q, Su C, Zhang Z, Yang C, Hu Z, Hou J, Zhou J, Gong L, Jiang X, Zheng Chunfu, He S. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 Mediate Species Specific Modulations of Programmed Necrosis through the Viral Ribonucleotide Reductase Large Subunit R1. Journal of Virology. 2016; 90(2): 1088-95 (co-corresponding author)
92. Su C, Zhang J and Zheng Chunfu. Herpes simplex virus 1 UL41 protein abrogates the antiviral activity of hZAP by degrading its mRNA. Virology Journal. 2015;12:203.
93. Ge R, Zhou Y, Peng R, Wang R, Li M, Zhang Y, Zheng Chunfu, Wang C. Conservation of the STING-mediated cytosolic DNA sensing pathway in zebrafish. Journal of Virology. 2015; 89(15):7696-706
94. Huang Z, Wu SQ, Liang Y, Zhou X, Chen W, Li L, Wu J, Zhuang Q, Chen C, Li J, Zhong CQ, Xia W, Zhou R, Zheng Chunfu, Han J. RIP1/RIP3 binding to HSV-1 ICP6 initiates necroptosis to restrict virus propagation in mice.Cell Host Microbe. 2015;17(2):229-42.
95. Li M, Yan K, Wei L, Yang J, Lu C, Xiong F, Zheng Chunfu and Xu W. Zinc Finger Antiviral Protein inhibits Coxsackievirus B3 virus replication and protects against viral myocarditis. Antiviral Res. 2015;123:50-61.
96. Luo S, Hu K, He S, Wang P, Zhang M, Huang X, Du T, Zheng Chunfu, Liu Y, Hu Q. Contribution of N-linked glycans on HSV-2 gB to cell-cell fusion and viral entry. Virology. 2015;483:72-82.
97. Shen G, Wang K, Wang S, Cai M, Li ML, Zheng Chunfu. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Counteracts Viperin via Its Virion Host Shutoff Protein UL41. Journal of Virology. 2014;88(20):12163-6.
98. Lu Q, Lu G, Qi J, Wang H, Xuan Y, Wang Q, Li Y, Zhang Y, Zheng Chunfu, Fan Z, Yan J, Gao GF. PILRα and PILRβ have a siglec fold and provide the basis of binding to sialic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014;111(22):8221-6
99. Wang K, Ni L, Wang S and Zheng Chunfu. Herpes simplex virus type 1 protein kinase US3 hyperphosphorylates p65/RelA and dampens NF-κB activation. Journal of Virology. 2014;88(14):7941-51.
100. Lu G, Zhang N, Qi J, Li Y, Chen Z, Zheng Chunfu , Gao GF, Yan J. Crystal structure of herpes simplex virus 2 gD bound to nectin-1 reveals a conserved mode of receptor recognition. Journal of Virology. 2014; 88(23):13678-88.
101. Zhang J, Wang K, Wang S, Zheng Chunfu. Herpes Simplex Virus 1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase ICP0 Protein Inhibits TNF-α-induced NF-κB Activation by Interacting with p65/RelA and p50/NF-κB1. Journal of Virology. 2013; 87(23):12935-48.
102. Wang S, Wang K, Lin R, Zheng Chunfu. HSV-1 Serine/Threonine Kinase US3 Hyper- phosphorylates IRF3 and Inhibits the IFN-β production. Journal of Virology. 2013. 87(23):12814-27.
103. Wang S, Wang KZ and Zheng Chunfu. HSV-1 ubiquitin-specific protease UL36 inhibits IFN-β production by deubiquitinating TRAF3. Journal of Virology. 2013; 87(21):11851-11860.
104. Junji Xing, Liwen Ni, Shuai Wang, Kezhen Wang, Rongtuan Lin, and Zheng Chunfu. HSV-1 encoded tegument protein VP16 abrogates the production of interferon β by inhibiting NF-κB activation and blocking IRF-3 to recruit its coactivator CBP. Journal of Virology. 2013; 87(17):9788-801.
105. Wang S, Wang KZ and Zheng Chunfu. Interspecies Heterokaryon Assay to characterize the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of herpesviral proteins. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2013;1064:131-40.
106. Zhang J, Wang S, Wang K and Zheng Chunfu. Herpes simplex virus 1 DNA polymerase processivity factor UL42 inhibits TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation by interacting with p65/RelA and p50/NF-κB. Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 2013; 202(4):313-25.
107. Cai M, Li M, Wang K, Wang S, Lu Q, Yan J, Mossman KL, Lin R andZheng Chunfu. HSV-1 gB activates NF-κB through the TLR2 and MyD88/TRAF6-dependent signaling pathway. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(1):e54586. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0054586.
108. Xing JJ, Wang S, Lin R, Mossman KL and Chunfu Zheng. HSV-1 US11 Binds RIG-I and Abrogates its Downstream Signaling Pathway. Journal of Virology. 2012;86(7):3528-40
109. Li Y, Zhao L and Chunfu Zheng. Identification of a novel NLS of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) VP19C and Its Nuclear Localization Is Required for Efficient Production of HSV-1. J. Gen. Virol. 2012;93(9):1869-1875.
110. Zhao L and Chunfu Zheng. The First Identified Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling Herpesviral Capsid Protein: Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 VP19C. PLoS ONE. 2012, PLoS ONE 7(8):e41825. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041825.
111. Wang L, Li ML, Cai MS, Xing JJ, Wang S, Chunfu Zheng. A PY-Nuclear Localization Signal Is Required for Nuclear Accumulation of HCMV UL79 Protein. Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 2012; 201(3):381-387.
112. Cai MS, Wang S, Long J, Chunfu Zheng. Probing of the nuclear import and exportsignals, and subcellular transport mechanism of varicella-zoster virus tegument protein open reading 10. Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 2012; 201(1):103-111.
113. Wu F, Wang S, Xing JJ, Li ML, Zheng Chunfu. Characterization of nuclear import and export signals determining the subcellular localization of WD Repeat-containing protein 42A (WDR42A). FEBS Letters. 2012; 586(8): 1079–1085.
114. Wu F, Long J, Wang S, Xing J, Li M, Zheng Chunfu. Live cell imaging fails to support viral proteins mediated intercellular trafficking. Archives of Virology. 2012; 157(7): 1383–1386.
115. Zhu H, Wang S, Mossman KL, Lin R and Chunfu Zheng. ORF61 Dampens RLR Signaling Pathway by Degradation of Activated IRF3. Journal of Virology. 2011; 85(21): 11079-11089. The article has been chosen as a JVI spotlight feature article.
116. Li ML, Wang S, Cai M and Zheng Chunfu. Identification of Nuclear and Nucleolar Localization Signals of PRV Early Protein UL54 Reveals that Its Nuclear Targeting is Required for Efficient Production of PRV. Journal of Virology. 2011. 85(19):10239-51.
117. Xing JJ, Wang S, Lin FS, Pan WW, Hu CD, Zheng Chunfu. A Comprehensive Characterization of Interaction Complexes of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 ICP22, UL3, UL4 and UL20.5. Journal of Virology 2011; 85(4):1881-1886.
118. Li ML, Wang S, Cai MS, Hong G and Zheng Chunfu. Characterization of molecular determinants for nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of PRV UL54. Virology. 2011; 417(2):385-393.
119. Cai MS, Wang S, Xing JJ, Zheng Chunfu. Characterization of the nuclear import and export signals and its subcellular transport mechanism of VZV ORF9. J. Gen. Virol. 2011; 92(3):621-626.
120. Xing JJ, Wang S, Li Y, Guo H, Zhao L, Pan WW, Lin FS, Zhu HF, Wang Lei, Li ML, Wang Lin, Zheng Chunfu. Characterization of the Subcellular Localization of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Proteins in Living Cells. Med. Microbiol. Immun. 2011; 200(1):61-68.
121. Wu FQ, Xing JJ, Wang S, Li ML, Zheng Chunfu. Screening and identification of host factors interacting with UL14 of herpes simplex virus 1. Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 2011. 200(3):203-208
122. Li ML, Wang L, Chunfu Zheng (郑春福). Host cellular targets of tegument protein VP22 of herpes simplex virus 1. Archives of Virology. 2011;156(6):1079-84.
123. You Li, Shuai Wang, Hua Zhu and Chunfu Zheng (郑春福). Cloning of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Genome as a Novel Luciferase Tagged Infectious Bacterial Artificial Chromosome. Archives of Virology. 2011;156(12):2267-2272.
124. Zheng Chunfu (郑春福), Lin FS, Xing JJ. A Novel Virus-encoded Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling Protein: the UL3 Protein of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1. Journal of Virological Methods. 2011;177(2):206-10.
125. Pan WW, Long J, Xing JJ and Chunfu Zheng (郑春福). Molecular Responsible for the Subcellular Localization of HSV-1 UL4 Protein. Virologica Sinica. 2011;26(5):347-356
126. Xing JJ, Wu FQ, Krensky AM, Mody CH and Chunfu Zheng (郑春福). Granulysin production and anticryptococcal activity is dependent upon a far upstream enhancer that binds STAT5 in human peripheral blood CD4+ T cells. J. Immunol. 2010;185(9):5074-81.
127. Xing JJ, Wu FQ, Pan WW, Chunfu Zheng (郑春福). Molecular anatomy of subcellular localization of HSV-1 tegument protein US11 in living cells. Virus Research. 2010;185(9):5074-81.
128. Ding Q, Guo H, Lin FS, Pan WW, Ye B, Alan C Zheng (郑春福). Characterization of the Nuclear Import and Export Mechanisms of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Infected Cell Protein 27. Virus Research. 2010;149(1):95-103.
129. Shi M, Lin S, Zheng C (郑春福) and Mody CH. Real-time imaging of trapping and ureasedependent transmigration of Cryptococcus neoformans in mouse brain. J. Clin. Invest. 2010;120(5):1683–1693.
130. Lobanov VA, Chunfu Zheng (郑春福), Babiuk LA, van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk S. Intracellular trafficking of VP22 in bovine herpesvirus-1 infected cells. Virology. 2010;396(2):189-202.
131. Lin F, Ren X, Guo H, Ding Q and Alan C. Zheng (郑春福). Expression, purification of the UL3 protein of herpes simplex virus type 1, and production of UL3 polyclonal antibody. Journal of Virological Methods. 2010;166(1-2):72-76.
132. Pan WW, Ren XM, Guo H and Alan C. Zheng (郑春福). Expression, Purification of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 UL4 Protein, and Production and Characterization of UL4 Polyclonal Antibody. Journal of Virological Methods. 2010;163(2):465-469.
133. Hong Guo, Qiong Ding, Fusen Lin, Weiwei Pan, Jianyin Lin, Alan C zheng (郑春福). Characterization of the Nuclear and Nucleolar Localization Signals of Bovine Herpesvirus-1 Infected Cell Protein 27. 2009. Virus Research. 2009; 145(2): 312-320.
134. Marr KJ, Jones GJ, Chunfu Zheng (郑春福) and Mody CH. Cryptococcus neoformans Directly Stimulates Perforin Production and Rearms NK Cells for Enhanced Anticryptococcal Microbicidal Activity. Infection and Immunity. 2009;77(6):2436-46.
135. Zheng CF (郑春福), Gill MJ, Krensky AM, Kubes P, and Mody CH. PI3K and STAT5 Cooperate in the Regulation of Inducible Granulysin Expression in IL-2 Activated Primary CD4+ T cells and activation of these pathways is defective in HIV patients. J. Immunol. 2008;180(11):7221-9.
136. Zheng CF (郑春福), Ma L, Jones GJ, Gill MJ, Krensky AM, Kubes P, Mody CH. Cytotoxic CD4+ T cells use granulysin to kill Cryptococcus neoformans and activation of this pathway is defective in HIV patients. Blood. 2007; 109(5): 2049-2057.
137. Zheng CF (郑春福), Juhls C, Oswald D, Sack F, IWestfehling I, Wittig B, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk S. Effect of different nuclear localization sequences on the immune responses induced by a MIDGE vector encoding bovine herpesvirus-1 glycoprotein D. Vaccine. 2006; 24(21):4625-9.
138. Zheng C (郑春福), Brownlie R, Huang Y, Babiuk L and van Den Hurk S. Intercellular trafficking of the major tegument protein VP22 of bovine herpesvirus-1 and its application to improve a DNA vaccine. Archive Virology. 2006;151(5):985-93.
139. Liang R, van den Hurk JV, Zheng C (郑春福), Yu H, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Immunization with plasmid DNA encoding a truncated form of bovine viral diarrhea virus E2 fused to a heterologous signal sequences elicits strong humoral and cellular immune responses. Vaccine. 2005;23(45): 5252-62
140. Zheng CF (郑春福), Brownlie R, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Characterization of nuclear localization and export signal of bovine herpesvirus-1 VP22. J. Virol. 2005;79(18):11864-72.
141. Zheng CF (郑春福), Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Major tegument protein VP22 of bovine herpesvirus-1 as an enhancer for a DNA Vaccine in cattle. J. Virol. 2005; 79(3): 1948-53.
142. Zheng CF (郑春福), Brownlie R, Huang Y, Babiuk L and van Drunen Littel-van Den Hurk S. Characterization of Nuclear Localization and Export Signals of the Major Tegument Protein VP8 of Bovine Herpesvirus-1. Virology. 2004; 324(2):327-39.
143. Zheng Chunfu, P Xie, Y Chen. Molecular cloning and sequencing of the circumsporozoite protein gene from Plasmodium falciparum strain FCC-1/HN and expression of the gene in Mycobacteria. JCM. 2001;39(8):2911-5.
144. Ni Liwen, Wang Shuai, and Chunfu Zheng. The Nucleolus and Herpesviral Usurpation. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2012; 61(12):1637-1643.
145. Cai MS and Chunfu Zheng. Herpesviral infection and Toll-like receptor 2. Protein & Cell. 2012; 3(8):590-601.
146. Wang S and Zheng Chunfu. The Potential Link between PML NBs and ICP0 in Regulating Lytic and Latent Infection of HSV-1. Protein & Cell. 2012; 3(5):372-82.
147. Ding Q, Zhao L, Guo H, and Chunfu Zheng*. The Nucleocytoplasmic Transport of Viral Proteins. Virologica Sinica. 2010;25(2):79-85.
148. Wang L, Ding Q and Chunfu Zheng*. The Nucleolus and Viral Infection. Virologica Sinica. 2010;25(3):151-157.
149. Lin FS, Ding Q, Guo H, and Chunfu Zheng. The Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 Infected Cell protein 22. Virologica Sinica. 2010;25(1):1-7
150. Li ML, Guo H, Ding Q, and Chunfu Zheng. A Multiple Functional Protein: the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 Tegument Protein VP22. Virologica Sinica. 2009;24(3): 153-161.
151. Zhao L and Chunfu Zheng. The Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Multiple Function Protein ICP27. Virologica Sinica. 2008; 23(6):399-405.